Where Passion Meets Education
Supporting and advocating for our faculty members!
Supporting and advocating for our faculty members!
Please consider donating to the Faculty Association Scholarship Fund. Follow the QR code to to the left or contact cclevinger@starkstate.edu
If you do not wish to download the app, the user name for us is
SSCFacultyAssociation with an email of cclevinger@starkstate.edu
Angela Smith Alder
Vice President
Linda Remark
Amy Tracy
Curtis Clevinger
A&S Division Representative
Caryl Tickner
BEIT Division Representative
Linda Gibson
HPS Division Representative
Michelle Igleheart
Academic Concerns Committee Chair
Patricia Weller
AIR Mentorship Committee Co-Chair
Eric Loew
Bylaws Committee Chair
Bradley Palmer
Nominating and Elections Committee Chair
Kerry Stanziano
Part-Time Instructional Employees Concerns Committee Chair
Laura Gargus
Personnel Concerns Committee Chair
Jerry Snay
Social Committee Chair
Jane Upperman
Professional Development Committee Co-Chair (nonvoting)
Teresa Wisvari
Department Chair Representative (nonvoting)